Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thing 20 - Youtube

What a lot you can communicate in 10 minutes or less. I like the fact that there is a spot that tells when the clip was made. With more basic stuff than our 2.5 people can keep up with, how to find time to learn & produce this kind of stuff? Marketing staff... They must already know how, because there are several's videos about our hospital already here. And they did a good job!

Found Phoenix Children's Emily Center video, describing how this helps families find good medical information when their children are diagnosed with something... We do this in our family library too, so good way to see what and how our colleagues are doing... and an idea for showing off our services. Our families could watch this info from us! Very cool.

The Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library of the University of Utah Health Sciences Center is championing partnerships between community health clinics and public libraries through the Utah Women's Health Information Network (UWIN). A thirty-second TV ad campaign shown statewide this fall is highlighting the message "Good Health Information @ Your Library." This ad is now also available on YouTube.

Medical Librarians celebrate National Medical Librarian (Library) month in October. We share ideas for celebrating (read: publicizing your services and very existence) with each other via meetings, listservs, newsletters; and now, we can see on Youtube! Statistics (we do this our our webpage). But look what an academic library has to offer; IM reference, Itouch, 60 computers, courses, on and on; their own physicians on READ posters. Ideas.

Do a "Library Orientation" video. We've talked about a CBT-kind of thing on the inhouse education system (tracks courses and tests)... but how many departments might watch a video instead? Of course we're so small, we'd rather go in person, and taylor the presentation to each audience; make a personal connection; answer real questions.
Is my 15-minute class this "staged" sounding a narration? I'd need a bigger screen to actually see what they are showing.

OK - there are a lot of options here - and using youtube reaches a wide audience. Most value would be for what we'd want to tell someone outside (families, referring physicians), because staff and physicians are more likely to look for this kind of information from us on our intranet. We already have weekly videos of the Grand Rounds physician education on the intranet for example, and these are trackable through the in-house education system (a plus because it helps with CME - can't do that on Youtube). So our courses would be more beneficial done that way.
Nice for sharing with other librarians, too though. Professional society stuff, celebrations..
Like have something professional here, not just "for fun stuff' - hadn't thought about that before, so thanks for again motivating me to look beyond the 2.0 label!

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