Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Facebook (Thing 9)

I find I'm not so comfortable posting general things to share, or basic what I believe statements. It is enough to have a Facebook presence for now. Wow; I now have 20 friends. And have joined 3 groups (Medical Library Association, Geoscience Information Society, and the Ravelry Knitters group). And have become fans of Cook Children's Medical Center, and of my dentist's office (Barry Stovall).

Mostly have been tracked down (or tracked down) family and colleagues. The few really old friends that I keep in contact with don't seem to participate in Facebook and other 2.0 activities - but wow, the librarians I know sure do! My brother actually joined when I let him know his son had accepted me as a friend - just so he could see how his son uses it. Now he has friends and contacts of his own!

So I am waiting to see if I find out how my Facebook contact differ from my email contacts. Facebook is much more like having a "caring bridge" page that I see our hospital families using for sharing when someone is ill - you can make a statement or share a happening with a bunch of people all interested in the same thing all at once. And people can track you down on Facebook. Email is more personal, each message tailored to the one it goes to, and it is more private - except for SPAM, only those you share your address with generally know where to find you.

Again, I'll be more comfortable with a profession presence than personal; just can't see that many people interested in me or what I'm doing all that often!

1 comment:

  1. geoscience and knitting -- what a nice range of interests!
