Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thing 2

Have watched videos and read about Web 2.0. Realize that I must do these all from home because many 2.0 activities are blocked from where I work. Interesting - and I'm guessing that if I worked for a Library as main function, that wouldn't be the case, but because I work for a library within another organization, the security / structure factors are more important than providing what I am learning 2.0 provides. The things that stick with me are:
experiencial learning, reflection, and thinking about 2.0 from the perspective of unintended consequences...
interactive / collaborative / needs of the community being served (being RELEVANT)
importance of data / form & content - and rethinking a great number of things.

Sounds like open minds, creativity, curiosity. Things libraries have fed for years!

Also sounds like we'll have time in our library to watch things move, and figure out how to apply them before we'll have the chance to actually do so... But even little things, like RSS, can be slipped in and work well!
Looking forward to the next (and rest) of this experience. And yes, it is so much better to actually use these tools, than just to read about them...

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