Saturday, July 18, 2009

Image Generators (Thing 5)

This image is about the night and day we spent outside Morongoro in Tanzania, with a lovely view of the Uluguru Mountains. We were at this '50s-era hotel a night and a day while local mechanics replaced the land cruiser head gasket and flushed the radiator. So, while the view helped rebuilt our inner engines, the guys were really rebuilding the one we needed for field work.
What fun to create images. I tried making something in the Woordle generator using text from a Medical Library Association poster (Ask an expert. Ask your Librarian) - but found it didn't like two "ask" and while I wanted LIBRARIAN to be the focus, Wordle kept making ASK the focus... probably because there were two. Yes, when I removed one "ask" and added a second "Librarian" then librarian became the focus! Don't know how to include it here, though.
These tools would be a great way to make a poster for a special event perhaps, or for a "library is closed this afternoon" day, or holidays... Something outside of our usual clip art!
Here's another choice: finding the right word (From Susie) - a visual thesaurus.

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