Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thing 15 - Digg

Notice: items from all over the map - science to National Enquirer in your neighborhood. Ads along side. Fascinating to see how quickly things change: new items appear, number of diggs going up.
Interesting way to see/learn about things:
  • Loved learning about the Live Science image gallery; something I've never heard of before!
  • Enjoyed finding links to a zillion items associated with Dr. Gawande's New Yorker article about health care costs (McAllen, TX)... including an interview on the NPR Fresh Air radio show.
  • Surprised at how few items there were about Walter Kronkite, how few diggs they had. Did I just miss them?
  • Lots of technology stuff, expected; so good place to find this material, or a perspective on it. (Like this: is such a poor user experience, and here are 9 alternative web clients to tweet from instead.)
  • By the same token, poor grammar in the posts is just as distracting here as elsewhere. Can you really trust news from some site that doesn't know how to use grammar?
International content, broad & deep, as intro video states. But who are the people that contribute/digg, and who is not doing so? What kind of bias is inherent because of the participation?

Nice to know about, perhaps good for helping us to find things people ask about & we don't know where to find. But not something I would depend upon for all my news, or for doing research. Interesting to hear the video intro discuss using it for just that.

1 comment:

  1. I like your poor grammar comment. So true (says the daughter of an English teacher)
